Friday, June 17, 2011

Pay pal instructions

Hi Everyone!

I just want to say how amazingly glad I am at the overwhelming and positive response that I've gotten for this project!  I never really imagined that a small idea that I imagined could be important for me has become something that seems to be important for so many other people too!

You always hope that a story or an event that is important to you and your loved ones will be relevant to others, but you just never can tell!  I like to remind you though, this blog and the things I have written so far are only a reflection of my take on things, and I am so open to welcoming other people's experiences and feelings about it as well!  So share away!

Anyway... for those of you who have not been acquainted with the wonders of Pay Pal, it's quite simple actually.  There are more than a few ways to use it to make payments, securely over the internet.  I believe it's mostly used for purchases made on Ebay, but as I have recently discovered, you can also send money via Pay Pal to anyone with an account!

You have to go to and set up an account.  Most likely, you will connect it to your credit or debit card.  Then you follow instructions for sending money, using the email address I posted last time

Then, you can complete the payment (it feels absurdly easy and unofficial, but it really does work and is secure!) and I get an email saying that I have received money in my PayPal account.  It stays there for safekeeping until I need to pay someone to edit this monstrosity of a film!  Ha ha ha...

If you have any other questions, totally email me or call.  I will see what I can do!

Happy Friday everyone!  As if I didn't have enough to do, I have taken on a music video this weekend! So I will be wheeling wagons,  riding in an EL CAMINO, dodging beach police and lighting fires... should be interesting!

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