Monday, August 22, 2011

day 2 - memory lane

today we took a drive. it might have been a bad idea to sit in an un-air conditioned van, on plastic seats, with a hangover for 8 hours, but we did it nonetheless. today we toured all kinds of places.  from the old houses where my mum and her siblings grew up in, to her old high school where she said goodbye to her friends before flying to canada, and the house where my grandparents had their wedding reception in.


i filmed most of it, but i am having a bit of a conflict here. i want to be the observer. i want to capture everything, but part of me also wants to be a participant. it would feel wrong also to be in my grandma's face all the time, asking questions that always seem to have an ulterior motive.  i want to be genuine and to share this time with them, and allow them the time they need to process all the feelings their having.  so we will have to see... i think this part of the project will be very much research oriented. gathering as much information as i can and then developing a project out of that.

so far though, it's only been amazing. tomorrow we head to the interior, near the Brazil border, to a giant waterfall where my grandparents used to hike when they were young.  we take a 12 seater plane, so you can almost guarantee i will be hanging out the side if i can!

good night from the chirping, buzzing Georgetown evening.

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